Thursday 26 July 2012

Without exception, everyone belongs to Sanatan Dharma

Sanatan means eternal, universal with respect to time and space. The core principle of the Sanatan Dharm is whoever — Creator, God, Brahman, Parmatma, Alah, Father, Jesus — or whatever the nature, is in everything including all of us. The dharma means duty in individual sense, and globally it means the universal law by which we all are bound together.
Therefore, it implies that we are all equal and nobody is superior or inferior. Everything else — like reading scripture, rituals or how we prays — is not for the Creator, but to make us better person, to teach us how to live a happy life with our family, our community and rest of the world.
The core principle applies to each and every one of us without exception. Therefore, there is no need for one to change one’s ways of life. Laws of karma take care of the rest. Sooner or later our deeds and the fruits of our deeds balance each other out.
Everyone has right to pray whomever they want. It is ignorance to force anyone and insist on following one prophet over the other or one scripture over the other. There is no need to force on anyone any belief system over the other


  1. it is correct. sanatan dharma itself means it is shaashwat.. which is applicable to all human beings who trust in god.
