Tuesday 31 July 2012

Are Souls different from god ?

Are Souls different from god ?

There are several theories to expalin this but no one knows for sure which one is cordorrect......... According to one approach the whole universe is one same reality. there is no distinction or duality between God and the soul except in our preception. god and soul are the one and the same.the soul has never been separeted from the God and never would be. the same supreme act as indivisual...... soul without undergoing any change or division.thhis is Adviata or non- dualistic school of philosphy.

According to the another line of thinking in the same school, there is no actual division or separation between the God and soul. But as the God comes in contact with the earthly nature abd enters the earthy form, he starts reflecting some peculiariities or qualities, though a reality they are only illusory and there is no actual difference between the............. God in these forms (Saguna) and the without these forms (nirguna ). this is called vishishtadviata or qualifies non-dualism school of thoughts.

According to another school of thought known as Dviata philosphy founded by shri Madhvacharya, there are two sets of reality: one the Brahaman and the other the independent souls and the lifeless objects. The souls are not created by Gd or Brahman but the distinct and different from the beginning. Thus the reality is dual, consisting of the One and the Many. The indivisual souls are real physical entities similar to the one in every aspect except in space and time and some qualities.The soul undergoes several births and deaths till it attains liberation through its own efforts.

These are major currents of thought that are speculative in nature.............Many hindus even don't understand subtel differences that exits among the various interpretations. And no one can tell us what is yhe ultimate nature of things. a subject like this cannot be clarified by anyone. Everyone has to realize it by himself through self-realization.



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