Tuesday 31 July 2012

Are Souls different from god ?

Are Souls different from god ?

There are several theories to expalin this but no one knows for sure which one is cordorrect......... According to one approach the whole universe is one same reality. there is no distinction or duality between God and the soul except in our preception. god and soul are the one and the same.the soul has never been separeted from the God and never would be. the same supreme act as indivisual...... soul without undergoing any change or division.thhis is Adviata or non- dualistic school of philosphy.

According to the another line of thinking in the same school, there is no actual division or separation between the God and soul. But as the God comes in contact with the earthly nature abd enters the earthy form, he starts reflecting some peculiariities or qualities, though a reality they are only illusory and there is no actual difference between the............. God in these forms (Saguna) and the without these forms (nirguna ). this is called vishishtadviata or qualifies non-dualism school of thoughts.

According to another school of thought known as Dviata philosphy founded by shri Madhvacharya, there are two sets of reality: one the Brahaman and the other the independent souls and the lifeless objects. The souls are not created by Gd or Brahman but the distinct and different from the beginning. Thus the reality is dual, consisting of the One and the Many. The indivisual souls are real physical entities similar to the one in every aspect except in space and time and some qualities.The soul undergoes several births and deaths till it attains liberation through its own efforts.

These are major currents of thought that are speculative in nature.............Many hindus even don't understand subtel differences that exits among the various interpretations. And no one can tell us what is yhe ultimate nature of things. a subject like this cannot be clarified by anyone. Everyone has to realize it by himself through self-realization.




The journey is about letting your mind, the small one that you're familiar with, dissolve and expand into the Big Mind, the place of infinite potential. Tapping into it allows you flow, surrender, co-creation and higher guidance.The heart, remember, guides you to increasing connectivity, joy and love. It replaces pain as a habit. The journey has to be lived, not merely understood.


Saturday 28 July 2012


LOVE AND GRATITUDE : Look at the Sun, it gives you love and light and sustains you and the whole of existence. Did you ever hear the sun whispering in your ears, “Hey! You have not saluted me and so no love, no light for you today?” Whether you express your gratitude and reverence to the sun or not the sun always floods you with light and love and sustains you through the vagaries of life. So also is God. He never waits for your salutations but keeps you flooded with innumerable gifts every moment of your life. Of course, the more you open your eye of awareness and try to see in the midst of darkenss the flickers of Light that is always there, your eye would show you, for What you want to see, you see. Like your own mother, the Divine loves you irrespective of whehter you reciprocate with gratitude or not. Start recognizing the grace without any expectation of magic, and just do with a heart of love and gratitude, for the divine principle that works all the miracles in the world is Love and Gratitude.




Most often, our lives are wasted in fear! In order to drive away darkness from his house, one man was found carrying out bucket-loads of darkness and emptying them a futile task. His preoccupation with driving out darkness took him nowhere. Darkness is absence of light. If only he had attempted to light a small lamp, darkness would have disappeared!


Thursday 26 July 2012

Mindfulness meditation reduces loneliness

Loneliness is a major risk factor for health problems — such as cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer's — and death in older adults.
A new study led by Carnegie Mellon University's J. David Creswell has provided the first evidence that mindfulness meditation reduces loneliness in older adults.
For the study, the research team recruited 40 healthy adults aged 55-85 who indicated an interest in learning mindfulness meditation techniques. Each person was assessed at the beginning and end of the study using an established loneliness scale. Blood samples also were collected.

These findings suggest that mindfulness meditation training may reduce older adults' inflammatory disease risk.



Without exception, everyone belongs to Sanatan Dharma

Sanatan means eternal, universal with respect to time and space. The core principle of the Sanatan Dharm is whoever — Creator, God, Brahman, Parmatma, Alah, Father, Jesus — or whatever the nature, is in everything including all of us. The dharma means duty in individual sense, and globally it means the universal law by which we all are bound together.
Therefore, it implies that we are all equal and nobody is superior or inferior. Everything else — like reading scripture, rituals or how we prays — is not for the Creator, but to make us better person, to teach us how to live a happy life with our family, our community and rest of the world.
The core principle applies to each and every one of us without exception. Therefore, there is no need for one to change one’s ways of life. Laws of karma take care of the rest. Sooner or later our deeds and the fruits of our deeds balance each other out.
Everyone has right to pray whomever they want. It is ignorance to force anyone and insist on following one prophet over the other or one scripture over the other. There is no need to force on anyone any belief system over the other


Wednesday 25 July 2012



Instead of conjuring fearful images like, 'What if I fail in the examination?' and thus spending time weakening yourself, use it fruitfully to prepare and pass the examination. Life is a series of examinations; we need to pass them with flying colours. This is a gift we can offer to God. Faith does not crave for miracles. But it often happens miraculously. Faith does not move mountains but gives the power to climb one. Help is just a prayers length away. Good understanding is better than silver or gold. So experience the richness of love and fearlessness.


“An affirmation is an auto-suggestion in which a thought is deliberately meditated upon to embed it in the mind.” The majority of scientists concludes that self-affirmations have the power to change people’s lives and reiterate what sages have been saying all this while. Science also says that positive self-talk definitely brings about changes in the brain.


Tuesday 24 July 2012

Chowchilla City Council in California to have 1st Hindu invocation in 89 years

Chowchilla City Council in California (USA), incorporated in 1923, will have its first Hindu opening prayer on July 24, containing verses from world's oldest existing scripture.

Acclaimed Hindu statesman Rajan Zed will deliver the invocation from ancient Sanskrit scriptures before the City Council. After Sanskrit delivery, he then will read the English translation of the prayer. Sanskrit is considered a sacred language in Hinduism and root language of Indo-European languages

Saturday 21 July 2012

hinduism is not just a faith

Hinduism is not just a faith. It is the union of reason and intuition that can not be defined but is only to be experienced. Evil and error are not ultimate. There is no Hell, for that means there is a place where God is not, and there are sins which exceed his love.


Friday 20 July 2012

Why do we worship cows?

Why do we worship cows?
The worship of cows in Hinduism is practical application of two fundamental beliefs of Hinduism. The first is the reverance of all life as God. My guru used to make us practice 'seeing God in all beings and things.' He taught us to regard all of life: humans, animals, plants and the elements as divine manifestations. The worship of the cow is an expression of this reverance of all life as divine. 

The second belief is the importance of ahimsa or the practice of non-violence as the cardinal virtue of spiritual living. Vegetarianism which is an extension of the practice of ahimsa is part of the application of this belief. In this regard the cow represents the animal kingdom.

The question though is why the cow and not another animal? Indeed the worship of the cow is symbolic. The reason the cow was chosen above other animals is mainly out of convenience and the ease with which we can express reverance to it.

The cow is a gentle and easily tamed animal. It is also an animal that is an important provider for the human race. I am of course referring to the milk the cow gives (not the meat!) and its role in the economic activity of rural farming and transportation. One cannot underestimate the role of the cow in life and economics not only of the past but also in present times. Indeed, when we ponder on the importance of the cow in human civilization it is easy to surmise that this animal holds a unique and important role compared to other animals. There is a saying in India that while a mother produces milk for her child only for the first few years of life, Gomatha (mother cow) can provide milk for humans all throughout their life (lactose intolerance not withstanding!). Thus the cow is easily the most suitable creature for the symbolic worship to revere all manifestations of life.


When I say good morning I mean to say:

When I say good morning I mean to say:

O-ffers us His
... D-evotion to

M-ake us
O-bedient &
R-eady for a
N-ew day with Him.
I-nspire others please, and
N-ever forget
G-od loves you!

If you like it send it to others. God will bless you for doing just that!!!

Thursday 19 July 2012

If there’s light in the soul
There’ll be beauty in the person.

If there’s beauty in the person
There’ll be harmony in the house.

If there’s harmony in the house
There will be order in the nation.

If there’s order in the nation
There’ll be peace in the world.


Our Attitude in Life

Our Attitude in Life:

Control of attitude is most important, for it finally decides the quality of our life, and ultimately makes us the kind of person that we are. Control over our attitude is really the Key. Cause once we realize that it’s our attitude about life, about circumstances, about problems, that determines how happy and content we are, and that WE CAN CONTROL OUR ATTITUDE, then we no longer have to worry about all those things we can’t control. If, when something goes ‘wrong’ in our lives, instead of feeling self-pity, frustration or anger, we remind ourselves that we are mentally, spiritually and emotionally strong and that we have survived hard times before, we will not only survive but thrive. Control of attitude is a matter of first adjusting the attitude to make it creative, and then occasionally checking up to see that it remains that way.

“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” ~Winston Churchill

Wednesday 18 July 2012


Mind is a prison. Awareness is getting out of the prison — or realising it has never been in the prison; it was just thinking that it was in the prison. All fears disappear. I am also living in the same world, but I have never felt for a single moment any fear because nothing can be taken away from me. I can be killed but I will be seeing it happening, so what is being killed is not me, is not my awareness.The greatest discovery in life, the most precious treasure, is of awareness. Without it, you will be in darkness, full of fears. And you will go on creating new fears; there is no end to it.You will live in fear, you will die in fear, and you will never be able to taste something of freedom. And it was all the time your potential; any moment you could have claimed it, but you never claimed it.


Tuesday 17 July 2012

Do we believe in reincarnation?

Do we believe in reincarnation?

Yes, reincarnation is one of the....... core beliefs of Hinduism. Reincarnation is closely tied to the Law of Karma. In this life process of being born again, what continues life is our soul. Our soul is the part within us that is immortal. The soul is indestructible. It is not affected by the disease nor death of the body. The soul or..... atma is the most spiritual part of us. It is our primal identity that God created directly out of Himself. Whereas our body came through our parents our soul came out of God. Thus all souls are children of God.



Hinduism known as Sanatana Dharma is the the planet's earliest religion, with a billion followers, which makes it the world's third biggest religion. Hinduism is a complex yet simple web of religious, philosophical, and cultural ideas and practices that originated in bharat India, indicated by the belief in reincarnation, one absolute being of multiple manifestations, the nature's law of cause and effect, pursuing the path of righteousness, and the want for liberation (moksha) from the cycle of births and deaths. It believes in the law of one supreme being manifested in multiple visible and invisible forms.


What is Hinduism?

What is Hinduism?
Hinduism known as Sanatana Dharma is the the planet's earliest religion, with a billion followers, which makes it the world's third biggest religion. Hinduism is a complex yet simple web of religious, philosophical, and cultural ideas and practices that originated in bharat India, indicated by the belief in reincarnation, one absolute being of multiple manifestations, the nature's law of cause and effect, pursuing the path of righteousness, and the want for liberation (moksha) from the cycle of births and deaths. It believes in the law of one supreme being manifested in multiple visible and invisible forms.
