Monday 17 September 2012

Thoughts and Quotes on Vishwakarma Puja

Thoughts and Quotes on Vishwakarma Puja

In Hindu Religion, Vishwakarma is the divine architect of the universe. Biswakarma (as called in eastern parts of India) is also called the divine carpenter and is mentioned in the Rig Veda and is credited with Sthapatya Veda, the science of mechanics and architecture. Vishwakarma Puja is dedicated to the first carpenter – artisan who gave us all these wonderful knowledge.
Determination, hard work and patience make a good artisan. He becomes an excellent artisan when he remembers and pays respect to his ancestors and Lord Vishwakarma is the first ancestor of carpenters and artisans.
When we offer prayers to Him, we are offering prayers to all the ancestors who passed down the knowledge of various crafts. We are also praying to keep this knowledge and craft intact and also to pass it on to the next generation.

Daily prayers to Vishwakarma assure safety and success in the respective fields.
The greatness of Hindu tradition is that it respects and finds divinity in all activities of life.

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